This competition is being run in accordance with the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) Competitive Dialogue process.
This website is an informal source of information, giving background to the formal invitation documents which can be accessed through the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). The reference number will be added here as soon as it becomes available. Whilst the information in this website is believed to be correct at the time of issue, neither Wandsworth Council nor its advisors make any warranty or representation (expressed or implied), with respect to such information; nor will they accept any liability for its accuracy, adequacy or completeness.
As a first step, competitors will be required to complete Wandsworth Council’s questionnaire. The lead consultant will be required to meet the Council’s resilience criteria as set out in the notes that accompany the questionnaire.
All competitors that satisfy the resilience criteria stipulated in Stage 1A will be invited to take part in Stage 1B and:
1. Explain why they are the right team for this project
2. Submit two A2 boards in accordance with the submission requirements, which explain their approach to the five design challenges. Board 2 will be included in a public exhibition and will be featured on the competition website gallery. Visitors to the exhibition will be asked to comment on the designs.
The expressions of interest will be reviewed by a Technical Panel and a Residents’ Review Panel. Comments from these panels will be given to the Jury Panel, alongside any comments from visitors to the exhibition and the competition website gallery. Full details of panels can be found under Selection Panels.
The Jury Panel will select at least three, but no more than four, teams to proceed to Stage 2 of the competition, using the published judging criteria.
Once the jury’s selection has been ratified by Wandsworth Council, the shortlisted competitors will be invited to take part in Stage 2.
A detailed brief will be issued to the Stage 2 competitors. It is envisaged that over an eight week period they will be asked to produce no more than three A1 boards to describe their proposals, backed up with an explanatory A4 report addressing technical issues, logistics and costs. No models will be requested.
An equal honorarium of £12,000 (plus VAT) will be paid to each shortlisted team. The honorarium payment will be made to the lead organisation in each team and will only be released on delivery of compliant Stage 2 submissions.
During this stage, teams will be required to present their ideas at a ‘half-way’ review with the Technical and Jury Panels. They will also be asked to attend a workshop with members of the Residents’ Review Panel to engage in conversations about the initial design ideas. This stage will culminate in a final interview and presentation of design ideas to the Jury Panel.
The Technical Panel and the Residents’ Review Panel will be asked to comment on each team’s design as well as its ability to engage and communicate ideas. These comments will be given to the Jury Panel for consideration when making its selection of a winner.
The Stage 2A proposals will be included in a public exhibition and the submissions will be made available to the public through the competition website. Visitors will be asked to comment on the designs and these comments will be given to the jury for consideration in the shortlisting process.
At the conclusion of the Competitive Dialogue process, all shortlisted teams will be asked to submit a final tender, detailing their fee proposals and team structures.
The tender documents will be made available to the jury and to the Procurement Team at Wandsworth Council. The Procurement Team will assess each tender in accordance with published criteria and its conclusions will be passed to the Jury Panel for consideration in the final assessment.
When selecting the winner, the Jury will combine their assessment of Stage 2A and Stage 2B, using both quality and cost criteria, which will be made available to the shortlisted competitors at the outset of Stage 2. Once the jury’s selection of a winner has been ratified by Wandsworth Council, and the statutory ‘cool-off’ period has passed, the winner will be announced.